Adam Bunn


My art is rooted in a rich mosaic of inspirations including the contours of the human body, the vibrant tapestry of Americana, the violent but captivating mythology of the Old West, the boundless realms of science fiction, and the evocative strokes of Abstract Expressionism and Impressionism.

The genesis of my current series traces back to unassuming origins - doodles born from the margins of my notepad during work meetings. Amidst the rigid geometric patterns built on the grid of the page, my pen would sometimes wander to the creation of sack-like forms. Over time, these forms began to shed their abstract origins, gaining definition and volume. They started to occupy their own space - both on the paper and in my imagination. They took on a life of their own, developing sentience and behaviours.

These entities, tethered to the canvas, suggest narratives of confinement, transformation, mutation, the known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen.






Floating mutant or alien entities have been tethered to the ground near a disused billboard.

The billboard was painted first, with vanishing points placed far outside the surface. The placement and orientation of the central entity was revised several times, leading to thicker impasto acrylic in this area of the painting. In common with this series of work, distant entities are rendered sparely.

The image was in my head for weeks, but once I started it was finished in one day, and the work is deliberately rapid. As well as the painterly mark making, many traces of the painting process remain on the surface, including discarded masking tape, paint drips and thumb smears.


720 x 360 milimeters


